Reiki, what is it?

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The Reiki is a natural healing technique that relies on the harmonisation of energies by the application of hands on the painful areas. The word REIKI comes from the Japanese REI, which means spiritual essence, and KI which means energy of the force of life.

What is Reiki?

We can translate the word REIKI by “universal force”. Energy KI determines the alternation of seasons and the growth of plants, such as a rose that opens in the morning and closes at night. Our energy KI is the vital energy that flows in us like the sap in the tree. The universal energy is channeled through the hands of the REIKI practitioner and returned to the recipient. The practitioner does not practice any physical manipulation.

What are the principles of Reiki?

Just for today, do not worry. Just for today, do not get angry. Honour your parents, your teachers, your elders. Live your life honestly. Show gratitude for all that lives.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

The benefits of reiki are numerous. This technique can relieve many ailments. It is used for: Re-enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself
Increase resistance
Restore balance
Balance the body’s energies
Dissipate energy tensions
Relieve pain and disorders
Support and strengthen any medical treatment
Detoxify body cells

It can also help in the case of bulimia, anorexia, it reduces stress, anxieties, fears, lift blockages (after separation, divorce, mourning, rape, etc) and help you with your lack of self-confidence.

How does a Reiki session work?

We can alleviate the suffering of trauma caused by a car accident for example by applying reiki on the situation in the past. It is also possible to treat a situation in the future as a job interview. It can be practiced in an office or remotely. It takes three to four sessions for the effects of reiki to be effective. A preliminary interview takes place to determine the needs. A session lasts between an hour and an hour and a half.

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